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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Beginning

So many of you know that I did Project 365 last year and documented the days on 2010, A Year in Pictures. It was a bigger time commitment than I bargained for but I am so glad I did it. I captured a year of our lives and the kids will forever have that to refer back to as they grow up. I also discovered a passion for photography and I have some big goals for this year that I'll be teasing you with from time to time.

In thinking about 2011, I really wanted to continue to pick up my camera every day but I knew I didn't want the pressure of downloading, processing, uploading, writing, and sharing the photos everyday. So a natural alternative was Project 52. I might share my single favorite photo from the week, I might share seven. But I will only blog once a week and talk about what's been going on in our lives.

I'm getting a late start because I spent most of last week in the hospital having a partial knee replacement. This surgery has kicked my butt. Not only do I not have very many photos so far this year, but they are also not very good! Ha! So I'll be getting Week One up tonight or tomorrow and hoping to capture a good one by Friday.

Thanks for following along on my new journey!


  1. Holly, Im glad to have the privelage of following this blog and your amazing talent! Wishing you a speedy recovery as well!
